Thursday, July 14, 2011

Arden Turns FOUR Months!

Carter picks his favorite thing in the garden... cherry tomatoes. "This one... higher. This one lower.", he says, pointing up and down at the little red globes. He concentrates on the lower ones, and not too many of them make it into his bucket. I just let him go to town while I pick the big slicers. The other day I turned around to see him pick up one of the big ones and take a bite out of one side. "Carter, what are you doing?" I exclaimed. He started and dropped the tomato back in the bin, and turned around as if to say "What? I wasn't doing anything."

So much has happened since we last wrote a blog entry! We've had guests galore... in fact, we had a solid week of guests here. First Gary, April, and Alexis were here for the 4th of July, then my brother Freeman came through town for a few hours and dropped off my Mom to stay for a couple of days. Freeman was able to overlap for just a few minutes with Krin, and so got to meet Cierra's family members for the first time (4 in one day, and an unlikely combination.) As seen above, Krin's energy just makes the kids come alive!

Oma and Arden, clearly enjoying a relaxing moment together.

Carter is using the WiiFit to ski down a hill, with a little help from Opa. Gosh, thinks Carter. Don't know why everyone else was having so much trouble. This thing drives itself!

Aunt Alexis loved meeting Arden. The toy she is holding has become her new obsession. The only problem... it just won't go all the way into her mouth!

Jump! JUMP! Carter is allowed to jump off his red chair. And sometimes he does it a lot. Here he is in mid-air, one of many in a single photo session. Everytime I thought we were done, he said "Again" and climbed up, waiting for me to raise the camera again and count him down.

Now we can read to them both at once! Carter likes to turn the pages faster than anyone can read and Arden wants to touch (and probably eat) the book.

How cute she is! She just draws you in with every smile. Sometimes, it's just so she can spit up on you. Erp!

Today was Arden's 4 month checkup at the doctor. She got 2 shots, but this brave little girl didn't really seem to notice. Carter got one and pitched a fit. At least it was over quickly.

Arden is changing rapidly. She's now rolling over from her belly to her back, which usually makes her really mad. She can reach for and grab toys hanging over her head... in fact she seems to be miles ahead on that front compared to Carter at the same age. Talk, talk, talk, that's all she wants to do, and sometimes it seems like she's upset when she really isn't just due to how high-pitched her squeals can be.

One, two kids. Okay, I didn't leave any at the grocery store. We're good.

This is Carter with his friend Daniel at a playdate. We're trying to get Carter out of the house more often (and not just to the garden to gorge on tomatoes). These two are both pretty laid back, and therefore play well together.

Well, we'll keep on flying for another few weeks (got a vacation coming up... woo hoo! Hopefully it won't take us too long into August to get back on here and tell you all about it.