Monday, March 28, 2011

Family Time Continues!

Carter is getting along with his baby sis. And by getting along with, I mean mostly ignoring. He asks about where she is sometimes, he knows her name, but when I bring him over to her and show him Arden, he eyeballs her for a second and walks away to do something else. What can you do with a baby? he seems to say.
All of us together for a second... before Carter scampers away again. Arden never even knew we were taking pictures.
Arden enjoying a little snuggle time with Uncle Krin! Krin dropped by for a short visit this weekend just as he got back to the States from Turkey. Krin knew how to keep his nephew from feeling jealous.... he brought Carter a bunch of books and an awesome train set!
Krin is a natural! We told him he should have a couple of these things. Of course, there's a couple things he needs to do first.....
Hunter's parents, Mike and Betty, came down on Thursday for a 2-day visit. Betty was estatic to have her first granddaughter... she always wanted a girl of her own, but had to give up that dream after having her third boy. She was instantly in love with Arden and was a big help holding her whenever there was a need. Mike also enjoyed the kids but was a huge help to Hunter. Together they planted nearly two thousand onions and repotted all of Hunter's tomatoes.
More hangout time for Arden in Uncle Krin's lap! Mmmm.... comfy.
Carter got to try on Krin's shoes. Maybe someday they'll fit!
Oh dear. I think I'm getting sleepy again. Must...stay... awazzzzzzzzzzzzz.
It's hard to believe that we were playing outside in short sleeves just a few days ago. Now it's nearly freezing outside! And it's been raining for days, with pretty much more rain in the forecast.
Zzzzzz. Wha? Oh, yeah. I'm getting up. Be right there. Just going to shut my eyes for a seconzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Arden has quite a hat collection. It seems impossible that someone with more than 10 hats wouldn't have a single one that can stay on the head for more than 10 minutes. They just slide off of her downy head fuzz.
Arden takes her first bath. This is from the previous week when Deann and Greg were here. Deann helped hold her while Cierra washed.
I made fun of Cierra for buying this expensive bucket specially designed to bathe babies... but it did enable me to get this cute feet picture during the first bath.
Carter's been working with sidewalk chalk. He likes to pick up colors and make 2 or 3 slightly curved lines, then move on to the next color. Our driveway just got a lot more festive!
Cierra's such a babywearer... Under 2 weeks old and Arden is already a fashion accessory.
Carter walks his "balance beam" outside. He's getting ready to show off for Aunt Kaelie when she comes to visit this weekend!
Snuggle time with daddy! Apparently I produce the best swaddle.
Finally wide awake! Now, which one are you? The one with milk or the one who just bores me to sleep?
Carter's taken to eating cream cheese toast all by himself. This could get a little messy....
Arden enjoys a little grandma time. And Grandma enjoys a little Arden time.
It's a mutual thing. Next week.... more cuteness!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Carter Turns Two!

This little boy is two already. Where does the time go? Carter has had a week full of fun and surprises. Mommy and Daddy got him an early birthday present when his baby sister Arden showed up on Monday... and then they tried to make up for all of the attention she'd be stealing by delivering a bunch of new toys interspersed throughout the week.

There's the set of wedge stacking pieces that make interesting towers for him to knock down, there's a brand new racetrack that he loves to watch wooden cars race down, new books...

Carter's got a new picnic area out near the garden that will be perfect for evening meals.... and we've even got a Carter sized table in addition to the one for adults. That comes courtesy of a Christmas present from the Baers, who are in town visiting now. Not only that, but for his birthday, they bought Carter a pony!
Well okay, it's a pony bike. But we should be thankful it's not a real pony, knowing Deann it could have been and then we'd be trying to build a stable and get permits from the city. Carter seems enthusiastic about his pony. He can't push the pedals yet but he is good at the dismount.
Carter is all smiles during the day, but nights can be a different story when he is sick. Mother nature had a present for Carter too... a nasty cold that kept him up on Thursday and Friday night. Friday it was so bad... he screamed and screamed and would not sleep so I had to make 2 Wal-Mart runs for different medications. Wal-Mart in the middle of the night... is there anything more depressing? First time I'd been there in 2 years, but when your kid is in pain, gotta put aside your preferences and just get him what he needs.

Carter had fun last Saturday, when we had our garden friends come over and plant some onion seedlings. That's him enjoying a wagon ride with his friend Clara. One of his last moments as an only child... Cierra came home right at the end of their play session with some very early labor pains that would result in Arden arriving 1 1/2 days later.

Adjusting to life with a sister... Carter is playing by himself a bunch while we tend to Arden. But he's always been independent. If we're not in his face, he'll just amble up to the front room and start pulling toys out of his bin.

He might be great at being independent, but he sure does love playing with others! Here Carter is with his playgroup friends Christopher and Rowan. Carter and Christopher have really become great playmates over the last few times, really chasing each other around screetching, laughing and smiling at each other. Carter used to be more of an observer and now he's getting in the game! Greg (or Papa) took Carter down to our playground today and he observed a family playing hide and go seek... he figured it out and tried to join in!

Arden Lily Arrives!

Arden Lily Tabony was born on March 14 at 5:29 in the morning, after a couple of sleepless nights of hard work.... but boy was it worth it! Arden is so sweet. She's having a milky meal as I write this now.
Arden already knows to stay close to the food source. She started out at 7lbs 10oz, but by Wednesday was down to 6lbs 15oz. Thank goodness the milk has come in now, and we're back up to almost where we started!
We're already preparing Arden for study at Hogwarts. "Stupify!"

She is such a snuggler. I remember Carter just being unable to be still on my chest. He would always kick his legs and drive himself up past my head. She just wriggles in close and sleeps.
Carter is doing so well with his baby sister. He can already say her name "Ahh-den" and he stroked her head today and pointed out her facial features for us. Although he obviously can't do much with her yet, he's given me big smiles when I bring her in the same room and show off to him how I care for her. He seems proud to be a big brother.

Cierra's parents, Greg and Deann got to be the first of family to visit! They love their granddaughter too and think she's just perfect. Well of course she is! Cierra read all the books on pregnancy and birthing to make sure.

This time around we decided to forego the hospital experience for a birthing center that's opened nearby with midwives running the place instead of doctors. Wow, what a change for the better. Much more personal experience this time, care that focused on support and not intervention. I wish more women could have this experience. And I would say that we had a great hospital experience with CMC and Carter's birth. Their staff and care was great, but with the proper preparation and a low-risk mother, the hospital is just not the most comfortable place to give birth. This time, Cierra was happy to labor in the tub for more than 4 hours. Plus, we had mom and baby at home and resting up in just over 4 1/2 hours after Arden was born.

Arden and her wizardly hat take a tour of the property, properly shaded under an umbrella from the sun's deadly rays. If babies under 6 months can't get any sunlight, how did the human race survive to produce physicians in the first place?
We jest, we jest... but better safe than sorry. Obviously, there's so much more to tell... but we're tired, people! Next up: an account of Carter's 2nd birthday and other stuff about Arden coming soon too. But first: Sleep.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gimme that camera!

Gimme that camera, Dad! C'mon, it's my last chance to get top billing before I've got to share the spotlight.

Look at meeee! I'm EXCITED! Plus, I'm going to get a BABY SISTER really soon! Not sure what that means but Mommy and Daddy keep talking about it so it's gotta be GOOD!

I have become my father. I remember one of my earlier birthdays, Dad got me a post-hole digger for my birthday. Boy did I hate that thing but I'm sure Dad just wanted to get me working alongside him. Carter showed some interest in moving leaves around so I got him this little rake. Here he is learning to dance with it.

Carter's really trying to blow bubbles now. Also, he's trying to eat the wand.

Not posted.... the snap I got where the ring was actually inside his mouth. :)

That is one happy little guy. How lucky are we? We're spending a lot more time outdoors these days, opening the garden back up.

Going for a walk, again. We walk down to the playground around 3 times a day now. Most of the time it's just a couple of runs down the slide and he says "home". Then we walk back to the house and get ready to do it all again.

We took a little stroll through our local science museum the other day. Here, Carter stares at something in wonderment.

More staring. Science is EXCITING. Or maybe hypnotic.

Also EXCITING.... Eating! This is Carter in the "snack chair", which is really just his designated chair in the breakfast nook. He can crawl into and out of it all by himself.

Great Dad, just by talking about it, you've made the snack chair uncool.

That's it for now, stay tuned for our next update which will hopefully include very exciting news!