Cierra took both of the kids for a quick 4 day jaunt up to Indiana, leaving me at home, lonely but relaxed this past weekend. It was weird being without everyone, but I needed some time to myself just to reflect on life and realize how good I have it.
This will be a different kind of post, because I'm writing about all these pictures without having been there to experience anything firsthand. So Cierra will be breaking in occasionally to correct my mistaken impressions and provide the finer details.
Great-Grandma Treva and Arden smile for the camera. Cierra told me that Treva made a wonderful meal and all Carter would eat was strawberries and grapes. Boy, Carter, that was a big mistake. Treva's cooking is legendary. Now, I guess I'll try not to take it so hard when he does the same thing to me.
Great-Grandpa Hemmerlein got Arden a birthday cake, and though it was either 5 months late or 7 months early, he's wise enough to know that nobody ever gets mad about getting cake. Arden certainly has a hilarious expression on here and with her arm out like that, looks like she might be about to throw the cake in the direction of the camera.
Carter enjoys a boat ride with Mimi on the "slow boat", their pontoon. They also have a speedboat, which he refers to now as the "fast boat".
Arden is a go-getter like her mother and already training for positions as flower girl that may open up in the years down the road.
Quick guide on how to get all the relatives to show up at Grandview Lake... bring a cute couple of kids by for a couple of days. Either that, or book a sushi chef. We went for the less expensive option. Terri and Kara got their chance to give Arden a squeeze or two.
Great Grandpa Baer got to bounce Arden on his knee...
... While Great-Grandma read to Carter to keep him from getting jealous.
Papa grabs some time with Arden in his lap. I think the pattern on that chair has her attention!
The main reason for the trip was Cierra wanting to help her sister Alexis as she moved in as a freshman at Xavier. Sounds like it was an exciting move-in day, and most other campuses could learn a lot about how to streamline the process from Xavier.
When they pulled the two cars up to her building, the "Move Crew" of upperclassmen descended upon them and had both cars cleaned out in less than a minute. Then they followed her up to her room and deposited everything for her. The only thing she had to carry was her new key. When I think back to lugging everything up 4 flights with no air conditioning in my freshman dorm, I'm feeling just a little unreasonable jealousy. :)