Monday, May 11, 2009

An eventful two weeks....

Life with Carter is becoming more and more fun all of the time. We were thrilled to see his first smiles a couple of weeks ago, but they were sporadic. Now, he smiles like crazy (I'll get video of that soon, hopefully). It is a daily household game to see what funny faces or activities will get him going the most. Plus, the 'goos' and 'gaas' are starting to come on strong. Too fun!

Maybe that's why Hunter seems not to have minded much that he's had Carter for 6 days these past two weeks when I've been back at work. They've done great together - playing, singing, cooking, gardening (and even a little cleaning!) It hasn't been easy for me to leave in the mornings especially since Carter is the most interactive and interested then, but at least I don't have to worry much during the day because I know Hunter's got it covered. He even had cookies waiting when I got home Saturday night - thanks, babe!

We were careful not to take Carter to any public places for the first four weeks, but that didn't help him avoid his first cold. Hunter brought it home first and coughed and sneezed for about 10 days before Carter and I started doing the same. Fortunately, Carter handled it like a champ (better than the two of us actually). He would probably say that having his nose suctioned out was the worst part, but he eventually got used to that, too. As a side note - if they made those suction syringes with tips big enough for adult noses, I would totally give it a try!! (especially since I can't take any medication while breastfeeding).

Our most recent round of visitors were two new uncles - Freeman and Sawyer as well as Grandpa and 'Mimi' Baer. We love showing the little man off and exposing him to different activites. With Freeman and Sawyer, we spent a lot of time singing and playing guitar. With the new Grandparents, we went out for long delicious meals each evening - Carter was extremely cooperative both times (and I had fun dressing him up in his most adorable outfits for each occasion)!

In development news, his neck continues to get stronger and the control over his hands and arms seems to improve each day. That may be part of what is helping us to enjoy longer nights since he can reliably put his hand in his mouth to soothe himself. The transition from sleeping between us in bed into his own crib in the nursery was thankfully not that difficult, either - probably for the same reason.

Now that the weather is warmer, he is wearing more 'onesie' outfits which is fun for us because we can see the baby folds and bulk that he is beginning to add to his arms and legs. I need to count how many folds he has total one day - I'm guessing it is over 50! Hunter says he's starting to resemble a Shar-Pei (don't worry - he is hairy - but not THAT hairy!)

Look everyone - I'm big enough to wear pants now....

...but mom still likes me in the onesies - especially this one that says 'my mom rocks'!
The bouncy chair is lots of fun because I've learned how to kick and make it light up....

...but not as fun as dancing with dad!

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