Thursday, July 16, 2009

FOUR months today!

Another big week for the Carter-man as we took our second trip to the farmer's market as sellers! This week we had a tomato that was over 3 pounds to show off. Lots of folks bought tomatoes and cucumbers, now if we could just get them more excited about peppers we'd be doing great. We're about 1/4 th of the way to making back what we spent on starting our garden... not bad considering we had to build our fence and reside the greenhouse this year! Carter is a great helper at the market. He loves to smile at the customers and is more than happy to just keep quiet and take it all in for the most part.

BIG smiles. He is just the most precious thing in the world when he gets like this. I can't look at him without smiling back... and he can't look at me without doing the same. It's like a baby-love feedback loop. We've been getting him to laugh more regularly, by playing hover-baby, where he flies over us like a helicopter... and when I play tickle finger with him which is pretty much what it sounds like. He also loves to watch Pogo. Anything she does gets a big smile/ giggle.

In other developments, he's quite the talker now. Seems like his most talkative moments come in the middle of the night, when one or both of us will awaken to baby babble coming in loud and clear over the monitor. When we creep in to check on him, he'll be wide awake, holding forth with the stuffed animals on his mobile. Sounds really adorable until it's 3 in the morning and you're asking a baby to please be quiet.

"I haven't got these toes yet, but I'm working on it!" Pretty much anything he can get there does go straight into the mouth. If the world is his oyster, then he must love the taste of seafood. The pacifier has a lot more trouble staying in now, because it's in competition with the fingers. He'll often have a go at three to four fingers at once... but I haven't really seen him go for the thumb yet.

"Tada! Look at how many blackberries I picked! Oh, yeah, Mom helped too. "

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