Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Crazy Week

We've been so crazy this past month with our little field trips here there and everywhere! I had tried to set up a trip to the mountains to celebrate Cierra's birthday, but since we ended up doing a vet clinic visit that week, our mountain trip was pushed to this past week. It was a quick trip, just 2 nights stayed in a friend's condo who was generous enough to lend us the keys. Fortunately the full day we had in the mountains was just beautiful, much warmer weather than the average for this time of year. (We were reminded of that the next morning when we awoke in a near-freezing cloud.)

Above is Carter in front of Grandfather Mountain's Mile - High Bridge which Carter walked across all by himself, no fear! That's more than some of the adults there could do! FYI, the mile high refers to height above sea level. The bridge is just 80 feet off the ground. Just in case you are thinking I'm trying to make him do crazy things.

Hey look, Bears! They're a lot hairier than Grandpa Baer. Grandfather Mountain has its own small zoo. Carter's favorite was the otter, but it was funny to listen to him tell the bears to take a swim in their little pool. He tries to tell Arden what to do too, with similar success.

Even though it was cold the next day, we still took a little hike. Carter is turning into a happy little hiker, even though we do have to plan extra time to let him jump off every rock he finds.

On the way back, just for some road rest time, we stopped at a mini-golf place for Carter's first game ever. No need to keep score, Carter beat me on most of the holes by picking up his ball and placing it in the hole. A hole in zero... why didn't I think of that?

Playing around on our back deck on a pleasant fall day. Carter loves throwing sticks off it!

Arden loves swinging! This picture makes her legs look funny, kind of like Popeye's arms. She hasn't been eating spinach, but she's been going to town on the broccoli. Correlation?

Sibling bath! These two like each other so much, its easier to bathe them together than seperately. Arden is getting so good at sitting up, I don't have to keep a hand on her the whole time anymore.

We spent a few hours watching a friends' kids this Saturday. Their two girls make great play companions for our kids!

Carter and Riley shared a cute ride to the playground in this stroller. She's giving him a nice smile, but Carter's too busy reading the Elmo book.

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