Thursday, August 13, 2009


Remember the scene at the end of the Lion King where they hold the little baby up under the arms to show him off? That scene was re-inacted in our home this morning except Hunter was showing off (and keeping his distance from) the "poopsplosion" that had just occurred in Carter's pants. I'm glad both of us were home to tackle that mess! Hunter held him over the tub, while I sprayed him off - what a scene. Happily, there are no pictures of that event, but here's what else happened this week...

We all went to the farmer's market as a family - Carter didn't know what to do with the watermelons except bang on them like bongos (fortunately, I don't think that alters the taste at all!). The end of the market got rained out - Carter had just fallen asleep when the drops started to fall. I was sure that they would wake him up on the 1-2 minute jog to the car, but he didn't seem to notice!
Our babysitting co-op is officially up and running. Hunter and I took the opportunity to get out for a lunch and a movie date day while Carter played with Riley. Doesn't it look like he is trying to sneak is arm around her?!
Riley was kind enough to let him try out her swing, too - I think he liked it!
We are still trying to do everything we can to get him to giggle, but without even trying, Pogo always wins the prize. Carter loves it when we through her 'egg'. We'll try to capture the scene for a video post next week.
Carter and I continue to try and make it to the library to shelve once a week - they also have a fun 30 minute baby program with singing, toys, books, and bubbles that is great for him. He loves looking at the other babies and shaking his groove thing!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the "poopsplosion". We had a number of those. It actually gets better once he's on solid foods; the all-liquid diet just lends itself to some nastiness! Nothing works better for cleaning up than an impromptu bath.

    You can just be thankful that it happened during the day, and not at 3am.
