Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Making it work...

Mobility. That's the name of the game. If you don't have mobility, chances are you aren't going anywhere. Like me, for example. Here I am doing a great impression of a motorboat. I just pull up my arms and legs, purse my lips and let out a pbbbt and all of a sudden I'm putting along at the speed of imagination. Yeah, as in just imagine if that would actually work. Still stuck to the floor.

So I roll over on my side, cough, grunt, hold my arms out, and mom'll come running...

... or Dad, depending on who's closer. Then I get to go where I want! And as long as I smile really wide, they don't seem to realize that I've turned them into my own personal chauffeur! Perhaps I don't need to learn the whole walking thing after all!

That's right Dad, laugh it up. You're going to have to carry me upstairs AND deal with a stinky mess in just a few minutes. Sucka!

Here I am, in Mom's lap, just chillin. Can't spend all your time learning to crawl. Some babies are all work, work, work. I recognize you've got to be balanced for good mental health. Little bit of thrashing around on the floor, little time heaving up breakfast, then zoning out within arm's reach of the food supply. This is the life.

Back at work. I'm going to figure out this arm-leg situation, then you'd better watch out!

Baby giggles. It's the best sound in the whole world. :)

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