Thursday, June 16, 2011


Summer is in full swing now and I just can't catch my breath most days. Here's Carter at the splash pool in the next neighborhood over. We're not members but his friend Mira gets him in with her guest pass. He likes to splash around in the various little fountains but lately he's been copying the adults and getting into a chair to relax and socialize.

Well, I can't say where or when this picture was taken but I'll bet Cierra took it and Arden was looking at Carter. She just lights up when she can watch her big brother doing things. And Carter really loves it when she makes her little communication noises. He laughs hysterically and then tries to repeat it back to her.

The garden is in full production right now. Peppers are starting to come in, and the tomatoes are at it in earnest. I've been giving away tomatoes left and right. Our biggest so far this year was 1lb, 6 oz. It was ripe enough today that I figured we'd better get to eating, so Cierra and I took some hearty slices off it to make some fantastic BLTs for lunch. We still had half of it left, so I carved that up, threw on some cheese and balsalmic and had that for dinner. Our garlic is all dug for this year, hung and drying in the barn. Onions are bulbing up nicely, and the watermelon is just beginning to set fruit.

I'm looking forward to my first market day of the year in early July. I'd be there more often, but it's rare that Cierra is off on a market day!

Sandwiches, sandwiches.... Carter likes bread. Toast for breakfast, Sandwiches for lunch, and sometimes toast for dinner. Peanut butter and jelly is a favorite....

And he likes to eat them all by himself.

Whoa, big brother. You'd better go clean your face before you give me any more kisses.

Cierra taking a moment to help Arden learn to fly. Cierra's got so much going on, but she is great about leaving work outside the house so she can spend time with them when she gets home. And that gives me a little breathing room most evenings.

Reality check: Arden is 3 months old now. Can you believe it? I can't. Time is flying.

Well that's all the pictures and I don't have any amazing stories springing to mind so I'm going to get some pre-Father's Day rest. Good night all!

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