Monday, April 20, 2009

How can he be 5 weeks old already?!

Cierra here....

The three of us have just returned from our first vacation together - we headed to Kiawah Island, SC for a 4 day weekend. I had continuing education seminars in the morning, which gave Hunter and Carter a chance to hang out together as a little 'trial run' before I go back to work in a couple of weeks and leave the two of them all alone (I know it will be harder on me than them!) Everything went great! Even the 4 hr car ride each way and daily trips to restaurants were easier than we expected - yeah!

Kiawah is an absolutely gorgeous island - spanish moss hangs from the oak trees and there are waterways and golf courses everywhere. We had lots of nice walks, but will have to save the bike riding until next year...

In development news, it seems like every morning we wake up and say 'he's bigger again today!'. The digital scale puts him at 9.8lbs which seems like pretty healthy growth from a 7lb 5oz birth weight. I know that when I hold his head in one hand my fingers are having to stretch much more than they did in the beginning! His head is getting stronger every day - it isn't uncommon for him to hold it up for 30+ seconds before crashing back into your chest. The three of us seem to be communicating better now. He is crying less maybe because we are better at predicting or understanding what he needs. We are still anxiously awaiting his first 'social smiles' - hopefully by next week!!

And now...what you really came to see...

We've been 'flying' around the house as taught by Grandma Baer. Despite what his face seems to say here, he seems to like it!

Grandparents Tabony came to visit over Easter weekend - everyone loves a sleeping baby!

Since we had his carseat covered with a light blanket to keep the sun at bay during the car trip to Kiawah, this is what we saw most of the time :-)

Playtime with Dad on the screened porch

What?! Why are you taking pictures of me naked?!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hunter and Cierra! Lindsay B. gave me the link to your blog and I've really enjoyed reading about your birth experience and first few weeks of life with Carter. He is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations - I know you're enjoying him immensely.
