Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lots of Family Time!

Carter here, just color coding these floor tiles so it'll be easier to put back together next time I tear it up. Well, another week has flown by and I'm almost one year old now. It's been crazy having all these family members here! I had my Grandparents Baer here last weekend, and we had so much fun that apparently we forgot to take any pictures. What a wild time! But seriously, guys, if you have any pictures from those couple of days could you forward them to Dad for posting? Also, I'm trying to figure out where I parked my car.
I know it's around here somewhere. That is the last time I drink so much milk. I am continuing to work on the whole standing process. I've gotten to the point where I'll hold Dad's hands and stand without immediately panicking, but mostly I either want to be holding onto a piece of furniture or down on all fours. What can I say, I'm careful. You try falling on your face a couple of times and I bet you'll get overly cautious too.

We might have forgotten to take pictures of Mimi, but we took a snap of me in the swank new coat she brought me! I don't know why, but I'm feeling particularly rabbity right now. Perhaps I will have a carrot.

That's not a carrot! I have been branching out on the whole food idea though. Things I have eaten this week: Yogurt (of course), broccoli, crackers, Mexican cornbread, peas, raisins, and my own socks. Well, I couldn't quite get the socks down, but I'm working on it.

Photo credit on these last pics goes out to Great-Aunt Terri and Cousin Kara Hemmerlein, who dropped by on Sunday and Monday to keep me and Dad company while Mom worked. We had a blast! Terri thought she was going to put me down for a nap. Ha! I laugh in the face of your nap.

Kara let me try on her hair! We are definitely going to skip this nap now! Party!!!!!
Here I am crawling away from my nursery, bright eyed and bushy tailed! Can't nobody make me sleep. I am super-baby, immune to time itself!
Oh-oh. What's this outfit? It appears to be made of Kryptonite. It's a bird... no it's a fan... no it's a bedtime!!! Must fight...getting sleepy ah have to finish blog pozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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