Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Slackjawed Wonder

Sometime in the distant past, I started opening my mouth to cue Carter to open his when I wanted to deliver a spoonful of mush to him. Now he no longer needs the cue, but I'm finding this a difficult habit to break. Thank goodness I have a wife to take embarassing pictures of me and then gently post them on the internet.

Ta-da! Carter is maturing so quickly, hardly a day goes by without some new skill. Today was the first time I saw him try to combine two hand signals, the symbol for "more" and the one for "eating"
Is this how Grandpa Baer likes to change the lightbulbs?
Aww, this is one great picture. He loves his grandpa! Carter and Cierra spent last weekend in Indiana while I stayed behind and tended the garden and attended my first farmer's market of the year. So, unlike most weeks, I wasn't there for any of the following...
Hi, Dad! We're having lots of fun up here. Too bad you had to go sell plants instead. No, I totally understand. Selling lettuce must be such a thrill.
I also love my other Grandpa, even if I look a bit surprised here. No more pictures please!
This is my Uncle Krin. Here he is matriculating and holding a baby at the same time. What a multi-tasker! I think matriculating is a big fancy word for graduating. But I guess after four more years of school people want to pretend they learned a lot of good stuff at college, thus the "matriculation".
Here I am hanging with my crew- Aunt Kaelie and Uncle Krin. Someday I'm going to grow up to be eight feet tall like Uncle Krin. Then I will legally change my name to Bigfoot.
Did somebody say YOGURT? Now I am EXCITED! I can HARDLY contain MYSELF!
Anyway, the trip is over and Carter and Cierra are back home now, and we're getting back into the swing of things. As usual, Cierra's working most days, and Carter and I spend two days a week at the farmer's market peddling whatever looks good in the garden. It's slow going in our garden until tomatoes start to ripen, and we've just started to get the little green tomatoes on our plants.
It's a good thing Carter likes to come outside with me. Most days we have at least one garden session where he hangs out in his stroller and watches me work.

What a happy little guy.
That's about it... we'll see you next week!

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