"Carter", I said, "If you can walk over to get my Iphone, you can play with it." There were a couple of failed attempts, but there was no doubt that he understood the challenge. After one or two successes, then I started to move the finish line farther away. He kept making it! Then Mommy came downstairs and he really got going!
Grandparents Baer timed their trip well and got to witness the breakthrough firsthand! Deann stayed with us for four nights and Greg was here for two. Thank goodness Deann showed up because the transmission in our Mazda is finished and I needed some help getting Carter out of the house.
This boy sure knows how to work the camera. One of his "excited" poses and everyone's in stitches!
Carter posed with Mimi outside the Volkswagen Jetta where he took his first car ride sans car seat. He looked like the baby from the movie "The Hangover"! Don't worry, it was just a few feet as we figured out how to get it in reverse and got it away from the garden fence. But he was still looking over at Mimi in the driver's seat with a look that said, "Umm... I'm pretty sure that I'm not supposed to be riding shotgun."
And this shot speaks for itself... after all, what use is learning to walk if you can't splash naked through the puddles?
Congrats to Carter on walking! I'm jealous you can let him be outside at this age; when Natalie started walking it was bitterly cold. And now she's a little old to be running around naked. Hopefully Henry will get to enjoy the outside world sans diaper like Carter!